ATHENS Digital Health Conference 2017 || ΜΑST workshop 20 October 2017
Ο Γενικός Γραμματέας της ΕΕΜΕΠΥ Δρ. Χαράλαμπος Καρανίκας ( στο πλαίσιο του συνεδρίου ATHENS Digital Health Conference 2017 (, συμμετέχει και σας προσκαλεί στο workshop “Health technology assessment for eHealth and integrated care projects: Hands-on experience from the use of MAST framework”
Objectives of the workshop: To make decision-makers, researchers, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders familiar with the most widely used HTA framework for Technology Enabled Care, including telemedicine and integrated care services. MAST has been used from 2010 until now in more than 22 European countries (involving several tenths of different types of public and private organisations across Europe), 8 EU-funded projects with more than 20.000 care recipients and more than 10 other projects. Although different methods have been applied, including randomized controlled trials, observational studies and feasibility studies, all seven MAST domains have been assessed in all these projects. These projects vary in funding from EU from roughly 1 to 8 million Euros and in duration from 18 to 42 months. Overall, the aim of MAST is to improve the possibilities for decision makers to choose the most appropriate ICT-enabled care services to be used in the most cost-effective way by providing a multidisciplinary assessment based on scientific methods and results.
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